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Micro Genesis & Micro Peel

, Micro Genesis & Micro Peel

  • The Juliet Micro Genesis  is an erbium laser, providing an effective, clinically tested resurfacing treatment. The ablation vaporizes the tissue and creates micro-channels of injury, while an additional pass uses coagulation to deliver a thermal injury to the area, further stimulating the body’s normal healing process. The Micro Genesis may require minimal down time.
  • The Juliet Micro Laser Peel removes a thin layer of damaged skin providing a more youthful appearance and improvement overall texture. The procedure can be customized to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome. The Micro Peel allows for minimal to no down time.

The unique protocol using multiple passes of energy to tissues produces noticeable results with minimal downtime in comparison to CO2 lasers.  Argyle Med Spa & Wellness Center can help improve fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and overall skin quality with the Juliet’s Micro Genesis & Micro Peel. This unique treatment procedure treats only a portion of the skin while leaving the surrounding areas intact, resulting in faster healing and less downtime than other devices. Our Micro Genesis treatment can be customized for use on the entire face and is uniquely effective at treating the delicate areas around the eyes (such as crow’s feet) and mouth.

You’ll start to notice results immediately after your first Micro Genesis treatment, and improvements will continue throughout your treatment regimen.


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