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Hair Restoration: The PRP Process

Hair Restoration

Millions of men and women are bothered by hair loss. If you have been unsuccessful with other forms of hair restoration, consider treatment with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). This relatively new method of hair regrowth is helping people all over and may just be the treatment you have been waiting for to achieve your goals for your appearance.

What Does the PRP Process Involve?

Platelet Rich Plasma has been used by athletes for years to help injuries heal quicker. In recent years, researchers have discovered just how powerful PRP can be. More and more uses for it have been discovered, including hair restoration. Since it uses a very natural substance that comes from your own body, the risk of side effects is virtually zero.

To begin the PRP process, a small amount of your blood is drawn. This is then spun at high speeds in a centrifuge so that the PRP can be separated from everything else in the blood. The PRP is then activated and strategically injected into the scalp. This helps to promote hair growth because it prolongs the growing phase of the hair cycle.

Who is a Good Candidate for PRP Hair Restoration?

In order for this treatment to work for you, the following things are helpful:

  • Still having at least some active hair growth
  • Being in good overall health
  • Being in the early stages of hair loss
  • Having a positive attitude and realistic expectations regarding the treatment and results
  • Wanting a visible change without undergoing surgery

What to Expect with PRP Hair Restoration

Step one is to sit down at a consultation, where we can evaluate your needs and develop a personalized treatment plan. In many cases, a series of treatments is done for optimal results. From there, maintenance treatments are usually required as needed. This is done to make sure that your hair follicles stay stimulated and productive.

Consistency is key when it comes to the PRP process. Be sure to come to all of your appointments and follow any at-home care instructions you are given. Results are not quick, but they are gradual, helping them to look natural.

Ready to learn more about the PRP process for hair restoration? Reach out to Argyle Med Spa and speak with a knowledgeable member of our team. We would be happy to schedule you for a consultation at our office in Argyle, where we can create a personalized treatment plan just for you. Contact us today to book your appointment.