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Laser Fat Reduction

, Laser Fat Reduction

truSculpt iD Waiting Room Video

  • While a well-balanced diet and regular fitness regimen are two keys to losing weight and living a healthy life, they may not always be enough to slim down. Sometimes stubborn fat can cling onto certain areas like the flanks or upper arms despite how healthy you are.
  • In as little as one 15 minute treatment, get the results you have been striving for. Laser fat reduction is a cutting-edge means of taking that extra step in finalizing your dream body.
  • Real-Time Temperature Control enhances your experience providing a comfortable, yet effective treatment resulting in an average of 24% fat reduction.

Take your body contouring process to the next level with laser fat reduction!Schedule your consultation today with one of our  Certified Licensed Providers and we will discuss what you hope to achieve through this treatment and create a customized treatment plan.

Contact us today

What areas can be treated?

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Upper arms
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Back
  • And more

How does laser fat reduction work?

Laser fat reduction is an exciting process that utilizes laser light to gently heat cells beneath the surface of the skin. When exposed to this laser light, the cells release fatty content where the body processes it with other waste. Over time, and with an optimal treatment plan, patients can rejoice in their slimmer figure. 

How many laser fat reduction treatments will I need?

Everyone has very unique body types and with them, aesthetic goals they would like to achieve. When you schedule a consultation with one of our providers, we will discuss with you what you hope to achieve through this treatment and create a customized treatment plan based on whether this option may be right for you. 

Who is a good candidate for laser fat reduction?

People of all genders over the age of 21 may consider this amazing opportunity to help slim down certain areas where stubborn fat may cling on. Ideally, suitable patients for this treatment should be those who have committed to a healthy diet and fitness routine and have not seen significant results from either. Additionally, laser fat reduction may not be a proper solution for addressing obesity. Our providers can better determine if this treatment may be right for you during your consultation. 

Take your body contouring process to the next level with laser fat reduction! Contact us today to schedule your consultation and find out if this revolutionary treatment may be your key to redefining your outlines. We look forward to hearing from you!