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Laser Fat Removal with TruSculpt: Unexpected Benefits

laser fat removal

TruSculpt is a non-invasive and non-surgical option for people who are within their optimal weight but just can’t get rid of those pockets of fat on their tummy, thighs, flanks or buttocks no matter what they do. It is a technique that uses heat and radiofrequency energy to destroy fat cells in the area and tone and tighten the skin. It even helps with cellulite, which gives an unattractive, cottage cheese look to areas such as the thighs and buttocks. This is a tough problem that mostly affects women, and TruSculpt might be an option for people who have it. If you have been looking for a laser fat removal treatment, look no further!

How TruSculpt Works

The practitioner places a handheld applicator over the problem area. The device uses 2 megahertz monopolar radiofrequency to apply heat into the layer of fat between the skin and the muscle. The fat is heated to a certain temperature. However, the top layers of the skin are kept cool. The great majority of patients find the heat comfortable and compare it to having a massage using hot stones, and the aesthetician can easily adjust the temperature if the patient is uncomfortable.

The fat cells are damaged by the heat of the applicator and rupture. The fat inside of them is then absorbed and disposed of by the body over a period of months. Most patients experience some redness at the treatment site, but this goes away after days or even hours. Most patients only need one session of TruSculpt, though they can return for touch-up treatments. The result is a slimmer silhouette and skin that is both tight and supple.

Who is a Candidate for TruSculpt?

Most people who are generally healthy and have areas of unwanted fat are good candidates for laser fat removal. TruSculpt also has the advantage over other types of fat reduction technologies in that it can be used on many skin types.

Visit Us for More Information About TruSculpt

If you have areas of stubborn fat but don’t want an invasive procedure to get rid of them, consider laser fat removal at Argyle Med Spa in Argyle, TX. Contact our office today to book an appointment and learn more.