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Look and Feel Incredible with Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Rejuvenation, Look and Feel Incredible with Skin Rejuvenation

Skincare is important whether you’re 16 or 60. But no matter how good your at-home skincare routine is, you need professional help to achieve your ideal aesthetic. Whether you’re looking for acne care, anti-aging or something else, the skin care experts at Argyle Med Spa in Argyle, TX have a skin rejuvenation treatment for you.

What Is Skin Rejuvenation?

Skin rejuvenation refers to a type of cosmetic treatment used to keep your skin looking fresh, young, hydrated, vibrant and healthy. Among the most popular skin rejuvenation treatments are:

  • Mechanical ablation
  • Dermal fillers
  • Spider vein treatment
  • Ablative laser treatments
  • Non-ablative treatments
  • Laser and IPL (intense pulse light) treatments
  • Chemical peels
  • Neuromodulators

The right treatment or series of treatments for you depends on several factors. These include the type of skin you have, the quality of your skin, the aesthetic goals you are trying to achieve and what areas you are trying to treat. Let’s take a closer look at a few of these safe, effective methods.

Mechanical Ablation

Falling under the umbrella of mechanical ablation are dermabrasion and dermaplaning. Dermaplaning involves using a surgical-grade scalpel to gently scrape off the dead skin cells that make up the superficial upper layers of your skin. One of the reasons dermaplaning is so popular is how beautiful it will make your skin.

Is your skin dull or ruddy? Dermaplaning can help. Is your prescription acne ointment or moisturizing cream ineffective? Dermaplaning can help with that, too. It even removes those pesky vellus hairs on your upper lip or chin, often called “peach fuzz”. Most importantly, it can reduce the appearance of fine lines, reverse the visible signs of sun damage and is safe during pregnancy.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are another incredibly popular method for rejuvenating your skin. These involve the application of a chemical solution to your skin, causing the dead skin cells to peel off. After treatment, you are left with smoother, brighter, less wrinkled skin. This type of treatment can be used to rejuvenate the skin on the hands, neck and face. Among the most popular benefits of chemical peels include:

  • Enhancing the skin’s look and feel
  • Reversing sun damage and age-related wrinkles
  • Minimizing the color and depth of scars
  • Eliminating particular kinds of acne
  • Reducing the appearance of age spots and freckles

During your in-person consultation, we will help you determine the best type of skin peel to achieve your aesthetic goals. However, it’s essential you remember to wear sunscreen every day for the first couple weeks after your chemical peel. You should apply at least broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen every four to six hours. If your face was treated, wear a wide-brimmed hat and avoid sun exposure between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM.


Neuromodulators are a type of skin rejuvenating injectable and include Botox and Xeomin. Neuromodulators are excellent for anti-aging purposes, stopping hyperactivity in facial muscles and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. Depending on what you’re trying to treat, you can expect the results of treatment to last between four and six months.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are particularly useful for smokers and older clients. Both tobacco products and the aging process reduce the health and abundance of collagen and elastin in your skin. Collagen is a special type of protein responsible for the volume, hydration and elasticity of your skin. Elastin is a type of fiber essential for the health, strength and beauty of your skin.

Among the most popular dermal fillers is Restylane. Restylane can be used to treat the forehead, lips, cheeks, nose and other trouble spots. Depending on the formulation used, you can expect the results to last between six and 18 months. During your initial consultation, we will help you determine the right formulations to achieve all your aesthetic goals. Among the most popular uses for dermal fillers are contouring the cheeks, smoothing forehead lines and wrinkles and treating nasolabial folds.

Ablative Laser Treatments

Ablative laser skin resurfacing is arguably the most effective anti-aging treatment. This treatment works by delivering an intense light wavelength customized to your unique skin tone and texture. The result of this incredibly effective treatment is the removal of your skin’s outer layers. After just one treatment, you can expect to see younger, healthier skin that does not appear sun-damaged. However, you may need regular treatments to maintain the incredible anti-aging results.

Non-Ablative Laser Treatments

Non-ablative laser treatments for skin rejuvenation are used to treat minor scars, brown spots and wrinkles. While an ablative laser treatment removes the superficial layers of your skin, non-ablative treatments do not directly affect the surface of the skin. The heat from this treatment stimulates your body’s natural production of collagen and elastin. This is most often used to tighten loose skin and make dry skin look younger, healthier and better hydrated.

IPL Treatments

IPL, or intense pulsed light, treatments are similar to other light treatments in that laser light is used. But that’s essentially where the similarities end. While laser treatments use one light wavelength, IPL treatments use short bursts of several light wavelengths. This type of treatment is most often used to reverse premature aging signs caused by excessive skin exposure on your face, neck, chest and hands.

Achieve Your Ideal Aesthetic Today

Professional skin rejuvenation will change your life for the better. To determine which life-changing skin care treatments will enhance your aesthetic, contact the dedicated beauty experts at Argyle Med Spa in Argyle, TX today to schedule your initial consultation. We will assess your aesthetic goals and create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve all of your beauty goals.